With the colder months upon us, I am seeing a lot more questions about All in 2 systems. These AI2 systems can be super handy in the colder months as they dry fast and the shell can be reuse by just simply replacing the insert!
The Best Bottom system is one of my top favourite in our range, these are one of the first AI2 system I used myself on my first son.
What I found so inviting about them is just how easy they are to use!
They are designed to use with a sized snap-in insert. The best thing about the sized insert is the fit. From early on you can get a good fit on a smaller baby, and as they grow it is as simple as just upgrading to the next size in the insert, which is the low-cost item when using cloth nappies. The shell comes in two options, Best Bottom or the Bigger Best Bottom. The difference is, as the name suggests, the original Best Bottom is a small design and will fit bub from birth until toilet training pending on baby’s size. The bigger Best Bottom is a new design and was made to suit children who are just a little too big for their standard shell. An example of this would be my own son, at 2.5yo he flat out refuses to learn to use the toilet telling us that he will always wear nappies, as this isn’t ideal for us, Best Bottoms have come to the rescue with their Bigger Best Bottom. At his current size, he does still fit into the standard size shell but if he gets his wish he will outgrow then before too long. He is roughly 13kg and over 90 cm tall (size 3 in clothing). The Bigger Best Bottom allows us to meet his cloth nappy needs with a system we already know works!
A few of my favorite features of the best bottom is
April 24, 2020